Get-childitem \\server1-vp01\c$ -Include *.opt -Recurse
and waited, waited, waited...... 6 minutes later the console displayed my results.
Knowing a little bit about WMI, I decided to approach this from a different angle:
Get-WmiObject `This gave me back the results in 2.73 seconds!
-class CIM_DATAFile `
-computername 'server-vp01' `
-filter "extension='opt' and drive='c:'"
Comparing the times generated the following:
measure-command {`
get-childitem \\server-vp01\c$ `
-Include *.opt `
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 6
Seconds : 3
Milliseconds : 476
Ticks : 3634762131
TotalDays : 0.00420690061458333
TotalHours : 0.10096561475
TotalMinutes : 6.057936885
TotalSeconds : 363.4762131
TotalMilliseconds : 363476.2131
measure-command {`
Get-WmiObject `
-class CIM_DATAFile `
-computername 'server-vp01' `
-filter "extension='opt' and drive='c:'"}
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 0
Seconds : 2
Milliseconds : 739
Ticks : 27390035
TotalDays : 3.17014293981481E-05
TotalHours : 0.000760834305555556
TotalMinutes : 0.0456500583333333
TotalSeconds : 2.7390035
TotalMilliseconds : 2739.0035
Pretty obvious which method to use.
Once again, PowerShell and WMI save the day.
Once again, PowerShell and WMI save the day.
The WMI query I am running returns the same as GCI. Can you share your query?
I have run into this as well. I was disappointed. I love WMI but for many things it is just dog slow. Thanks for the article sir.
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