Monday, May 10, 2010

WPK Snippets

I have been experimenting with the WPK module from the PowerShell PowerPack. This module enables you to easily write user interfaces within PowerShell. Think PrimalForms but with less code and staying within one IDE. The hard part of writing the UI in WPK is knowing all the methods and properties associated with a particular object. I find searching MSDN for the members very helpful. As I use the different objects (controls), I will share my findings. Up first is the New-FolderBrowserDialog. These examples are ready to be cut and pasted into PowerShell ISE.
Import-Module WPK
New-Window -Name "WPK" -Title "WPK Snippets" -Width 400 -Height 100 -Show {
New-Grid -Rows 28,28 -Columns 75,300* {
New-TextBlock -Text "Folder Path:" -Row 1 -Column 0 -Margin 3
New-TextBox -Name txtUserName -Width 300 -Row 1 -Column 1 -Margin 3
New-Button -Content "Folder" -Name btnFolder -Row 0 -Column 1 -Margin 3 -Width 300 -On_Click {
$obj = New-FolderBrowserDialog -RootFolder "MyComputer"
$txtUserName = $Window | Get-ChildControl txtUserName
$txtUserName.Text = $obj.SelectedPath }

You should see something similar to the following:

Clicking on the button brings up the familiar "Browse For Folder" Dialog box.

Select a folder and the path is placed in the appropriate textbox.



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Unknown said...

You are welcome!

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