Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where's my attribute?

I am often asked why certain Active Directory attributes do not show up when using Get-QADUser (ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory). An example:
(Get-QADUser -Identity FatBeard).employeeID
One might expect this to return the employeeID for Mr. FatBeard.  It doesn't and this is a desired behavior.  In order to maximize performance, the Quest cmdlets return a default list of attributes.  To see non-default attributes you have a few options:
- Use the -IncludeAllProperties parameter.  This will store ALL the attributes in the memory cache.
- Use the -IncludedProperties parameter.  For ad-hoc reporting, when all that is needed are a few attributes, this is the recommended way.
Get-QADUser -Identity FatBeard -IncludedProperties employeeID,logonCount | Select employeeID, logoncount
- Lastly, you can modify the default attributes that are returned.
$attributes = Get-QADPSSnapinSettings -DefaultOutputPropertiesForUserObject
$attributes += 'employeeID'
Set-QADPSSnapinSettings -DefaultOutputPropertiesForUserObject $attributes
(Get-QADUser -Identity FatBeard).employeeID #Success!

Modifying the Snapin settings is only good for the current session. If you want the settings to persist, you will need to add the modification to your profile.


1 comment:

Greg said...

This is the same behavior the AD module (that is part of Windows 2008 RSAT) adopted. The parameter '-Properties propname' can be used to specify specific attributes. '-Properties *' appears to get them all
