Tuesday, September 27, 2011

PowerShell ActiveDirectory Module vs Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement Snapin

I have used the Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement snapin for a few years and have enjoyed their ease of use. Now that we have migrated our domain controllers to 2008 R2, I often use the ActiveDirectory Module. In fact, I end up using both and see no reason to pick one over the other.

Being of curious nature, I wanted to compare the time it took for a standard query to run using both approaches. Following is a comparison of:
  • Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement snapin with Where-Object
  • Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement snapin with LDAP Filter
  • ActiveDirectory Module with Filter parameter
  • ActiveDirectory Module with LDAP Filter
The query is looking for "stale" servers and runs 10 times for each one and averages the result.

# Add required snapin and module    
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$d = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-90)).ToFileTime()
$LDAP = "(&(OperatingSystem=*Server*)(pwdLastSet<=$d)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"
$server = "DC-P01"

# Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement with Where-Object
$QAD_Where = (1..10 | foreach {
(Measure-Command -Expression {
Get-QADComputer -Service DC-P01 -OSName '*Server*' -PasswordNotChangedFor 90 `
| Where-Object {-not $_.AccountIsDisabled}}).TotalSeconds
} | Measure-Object -Average

# Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement with LDAP filter
$QAD_LDAP = (1..10 | foreach {
(Measure-Command -Expression {
Get-QADComputer -Service $server -LDAPFilter $LDAP }).TotalSeconds
} | Measure-Object -Average

# Active Directory Module with Filter parameter
$AD_Filter = (1..10 | foreach {
(Measure-Command -Expression {
Get-ADComputer -Server $server -Filter { (OperatingSystem -like "*Server*") -AND
(PasswordLastSet -le $d) -AND (Enabled -eq $True)}}).TotalSeconds
} | Measure-Object -Average

# Active Directory Module with LDAP Filter
$AD_LDAP = (1..10 | foreach {
(Measure-Command -Expression {
Get-ADComputer -Server $server -LDAPFilter $LDAP}).TotalSeconds
} | Measure-Object -Average

"Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement with Where-Object took {0:N2} seconds." -f $QAD_Where
"Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement with LDAPFilter took {0:N2} seconds." -f $QAD_LDAP
"Active Directory Module with filter took {0:N2} seconds." -f $AD_Filter
"Active Directory Module with LDAPFilter took {0:N2} seconds." -f $AD_LDAP

The results (for the most part) are not surprising.
Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement with Where-Object took 4.97 seconds.
Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement with LDAPFilter took 4.19 seconds.
Active Directory Module with filter took 3.20 seconds.
Active Directory Module with LDAPFilter took 3.21 seconds.

At some point, I need to run this again with a long running query.

Is this consistent with your results?


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